Applying ER Model Concepts Modelling Databases

 Applying ER Model Concepts

In the previous cheatsheet, we have understood the core concepts of ER Modelentity types, relationships and attributes. Now, let's build an ER model for a real-world scenario.

E-commerce Application

In a typical e-commerce application,

  • Customer has only one cart. A cart belongs to only one customer
  • Customer can add products to cart
  • Cart contains multiple products
  • Customer can save multiple addresses in the application for further use like selecting delivery address

Let’s apply the concepts of ER Model to this e-commerce scenario.

Entity types

  • Customer
  • Product
  • Cart
  • Address


Let's understand the relationships in the e-commerce use-case.

Relation Between Cart and Customer

    • A customer has only one cart.
    • A cart is related to only one customer.
    • Hence, the relation between customer and cart entities is One-to-One relation.

    Relation Between Cart and Products

      • A cart can have many products.
      • A product can be in many carts.
      • Therefore, the relation between cart and product is Many-to-Many relation.

      Relation Between Customer and Address

        • A customer can have multiple addresses.
        • An address is related to only one customer.
        • Hence, the relation between customer and address is One-to-Many relation.


        Following are the attributes for the entity types in the e-commerce scenario. Here, attributes like id, product_id, etc., are key attributes as they uniquely identify each entity in the entity type.

        ER Model of e-commerce application

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