1. Event Listeners
JavaScript offers three ways to add an Event Listener to a DOM element.
- Inline event listeners
- onevent listeners
- addEventListener()
1.1 Inline event listeners
1.2 onevent listeners
1.3 addEventListener()
It is a modern approach to add an event listener.
element - HTML element event - event name function - Callback function
2. Operators
2.1 Comparison Operators
Operator | Usage | Description |
Equal ( == ) | a == b | returns true if both a and b values are equal. |
Not equal ( != ) | a != b | returns true if both a and b values are not equal. |
Strict equal ( === ) | a === b | returns true if both a and b values are equal and of the same type. |
Strict not equal ( !== ) | a !== b | returns true if either a and b values are not equal or of the different type. |
Greater than ( > ) | a > b | returns true if a value is greater than b value. |
Greater than or equal ( >= ) | a >= b | returns true if a value is greater than or equal to b value. |
Less than ( < ) | a < b | returns true if a value is less than b value. |
Less than or equal ( <= ) | a <= b | returns true if a value is less than or equal to b value. |
2.2 Logical Operators
Operator | Usage | Description |
AND ( && ) | a && b | returns true if both a and b values are true. |
OR ( | | ) | a | | b | returns true if either a or b value is true. |
NOT ( ! ) | !a | returns true if a value is not true. |
3. More Events
Events are the actions by which the user or browser interact with HTML elements.
There are different types of events.
- Keyboard Events
- Mouse Events
- Touch Events, and many more.
3.1 Keyboard Events
Keyboard Event is the user interaction with the keyboard.
The keyboard events are
- keydown
- keyup
3.1.1 Keydown event
3.1.2 Keyup event
3.2 Event Object
Whenever an event happens, the browser creates an event object.
It consists of information about the event that has happened.
It consists of many properties and methods.
- type
- target
- key
- timeStamp
- stopPropagation, and many more.
3.2.1 Properties & Methods
For any event, event-specific properties and methods will be present.
For Example,
Keyboard key | event.key value |
Enter | Enter |
a | a |
A | A |
1 | 1 |
* | * |
< | < |
Try out the keyboard events and the event object in the below Code Playground.