1. What is var?
Var has no block scope
Variables declared with
If a variable is declared inside a function, it is function-scoped. Else, it is global-scoped.
Example: Function-scoped
Var can be redeclared
We can redeclare a variable with
Var can be declared below their use
All variables declared with
2. What are the differences between var, let and const?
Some of the differences between
basis of comparison | var | let | const |
Scope | Variables declared with var are in the function scope | Variables declared as let are in the block scope | Variables declared as const are in the block scope |
Hoisting | Allowed | Not allowed | Not allowed |
Reassigning value | Allowed | Allowed | Not allowed |
Redeclaring variable | Allowed | Not allowed | Not allowed |
3. When do you use the var, let and const?
let: It is used when we know that the value of a variable will change. const: It is used for all the variables which don't change their value. var: It is not recommended to use the
4. What is Type coercion?
Type coercion is the implicit conversion of values from one data type to another.
Implicit type coercion in JavaScript is the automatic conversion of value from one data type to another.
It takes place when the operands of an expression are of different data types.
In the above example, a number is added to a string, the number type is always converted to the string type.
5. What is the result of 3+3, 3+"3", "3"-3?
Implicit type coercion takes place when the operands of an expression are of different data types.
- 3+3
The result of
- 3+"3"
The result is
When one of the operands is a string and an arithmetic operator
When an arithmetic operator is used between two strings, the two strings are concatenated.
- "3"-3
The result is
When the subtraction is performed, all the strings are converted to numbers.
6. Is JavaScript typed dynamically?
Yes, JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. Because
- We can declare a variable without specifying the data type
- We can change the data type of the variable when it is reassigned
7. What is a self-invoking function?
The Self-invoking function is a JavaScript function that executes immediately after it has been defined. So, there is no need to manually invoke IIFE.
It is also called the Immediately Invoked Function Expressions(IIFE).
8. What are the different DOM methods to access the HTML elements from JavaScript?
Some of the DOM methods to access the HTML elements from JavaScript are:
getElementsByClassName('classname'): Returns all the elements that have the specified class name. It returns an array-like object.
getElementById('id'): Returns the element that has the specified id.
getElementsByTagName('tagname'): Returns all the elements that have the specified tag name. It returns an array-like object.
querySelector(): Takes CSS style selector as argument and returns the first selected HTML element.
9. Is JavaScript synchronous or asynchronous?
JavaScript is always synchronous and single-threaded. If we are executing a JavaScript block of code on a page, then no other JavaScript on that page will currently be executed.
JavaScript is only asynchronous when it has API calls, timers, etc.
10. What is a pure function in JavaScript?
A function is called a pure function when:
- Given the same input, it always returns the same output.
- It produces no side effects.
In the above example, It returns a value based on the given parameters regardless of where/when you call it.
If you pass 2 and 4, you’ll always get 6.
11. Explain NaN in JavaScript?
Five different types of operations return
- Number cannot be parsed (e.g. parseInt("blabla") or Number(undefined))
- Math operation where the result is not a real number (e.g. Math.sqrt(-1))
- Operand of an argument is NaN (e.g. 7 ** NaN)
- Indeterminate form (e.g. 0 * Infinity, or undefined + undefined)
- Any operation that involves a string and is not an addition operation (e.g. "foo" / 3)
We use the
12. What is Call by value and Call by reference?
Call by value
The Primitive data types are passed by value in JavaScript.
If you pass the argument by value, it will make a new copy of the variable inside the function, without affecting the original variable.
Call by reference
The Object data types are passed by reference in JavaScript.
If you pass the argument by reference, the change will be produced not only inside the function but also affect the original variable.
13. What are the types of errors in JavaScript?
There are different types of errors in JavaScript. Some of them are:
Syntax error:
A syntax error can be thrown when there is an error in the syntax (rules of language).
- Missing opening or closing brackets, braces, or parentheses
- Missing variable names while declaring, etc.
Runtime errors:
Type error:
A Type error can be thrown when we try to make an operation on the incorrect data type.
Reference error:
A reference error can be thrown when a variable is used that does not exist or is not in the current scope.
So, the variable doesn't exist outside the function.
14. What type of errors are shown in the console window?
Both the syntax and runtime errors are shown in the console window.
Syntax error:
It is thrown when we violate the rules of language.
Runtime error:
Runtime errors are thrown during the execution of code. It includes reference errors, type errors, etc.
Example: Type error
15. What is an Anonymous function?
An anonymous function is a function without a name. These are commonly assigned to a variable or used as a callback function.
Assigned to a variable
Callback Function
16. Is JavaScript a single-threaded or multi-threaded language?
JavaScript is a single-threaded language.
A single-thread language is one with a single call stack and a single memory heap. It means that it runs only one thing at a time.
17. What is a Session Storage?
Session Storage is a Storage Object. Data can be stored in the form of key-value pairs.
The properties and methods are the same as the Local Storage. But,
- The Session Storage exists only within the current browser tab.
- Another tab with the same page will have different storage.
- The data survives page refresh, but not closing/opening the tab.
18. What are the differences between Local Storage and Session Storage?
Local Storage | Session Storage |
Stores data with no expiration date | Data is lost when the browser tab is closed |
Persists even browser restart | Persists only for page refresh (but not tab close) |
Shared between all tabs and windows with the same origin | Visible within a browser tab, including iframes from the same origin |
19. What is the maximum storage capacity of Local Storage and Session Storage?
The maximum storage capacity of both Local Storage and Session Storage is > 5MB, depending on the browser.
20. What is the innerHTML property in JavaScript?
21. What are the disadvantages of using innerHTML in JavaScript?
Some of the disadvantages of using innerHTML are:
- HTML content is replaced every time
- Very slow as all the HTML content has to be converted into nodes and updated in the DOM.
22. When does the finally block execute?
The finally block will always execute after the
It always executes, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or caught.
23. What is the Static keyword in JavaScript?
Static methods or Static properties cannot be called on instances of the class. They are called on the class itself.
From the above example,
- Calling a Static property from a class instance will return undefined
- Calling a Static method from a class instance will throw an error
24. What is the ES6 Model?
ES6 is also known as ECMAScript 6 and ECMAScript 2015.
It is the latest version of the ECMAScript standard that was introduced in 2015.
Some of the new features in ES6 are:
- JavaScript let
- JavaScript const
- Promises
- JavaScript Arrow Functions
- JavaScript Classes
- Default parameter values
- Array.find()
- Array.findIndex()
- Destructuring Assignment, etc.
25. What is an ECMAScript?
ECMAScript stands for European Computer Manufacturers Association Script.
- It is a Standard for scripting languages.
- Languages like Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard.
- It specifies the core features that a scripting language should provide and how those features should be implemented.
26. What is the version of JavaScript are you using?
We are using the ES6 version of JavaScript.
27. How to add the Popup?
The Popups are used to display the message or notification to the user.
We can add the Popups using
28. Explain alert and confirmation?
The User cannot interact with the rest of the page until they press the OK button.
The User cannot interact with the rest of the page until they press the OK/ Cancel button.
29. What are valid JavaScript variable names?
Valid Javascript variable names should follow the below rules:
- It can contain alphanumeric characters, _ and $.
- It cannot start with a number.
Examples of Valid JavaScript variable names:
Examples of Invalid JavaScript variable names:
30. How to convert date and time into milliseconds in JavaScript?
We can use the third-party package
31. How to stop event propagation?
When an event happens on an element,
- It runs the event handler of it
- It runs the event handler of the direct parent
- It runs the event handler of the grand parent and so on upwards till the document object.
When an event happens on an element,
- It runs the event handler of the outermost element
- It runs the event handler of the next element and so on downwards till the target element (the element in which the event has happened)
32. What is an HTML onmouseover event?
33. How do we read and write files in JavaScript?
JavaScript is not allowed to read files from the computer.
To read/write files with JavaScript, We need to be running it as a server (using
We can read/write files using the
fs.readFile(): Reads the file
fs.writeFile(): Writes the file with the given data
To know more about
34. How can we get the current URL with JavaScript?
We can use the
35. What are the different types of Loops?
JavaScript supports different types of Loops. Some of them are:
while loop: It executes its statements as long as a specified condition evaluates to
for loop: It repeats until a specified conditionExpression evaluates to
do...while loop: It repeats until a specified condition evaluates to
The block of code in the
for...in loop: It iterates a specified variable over all the properties of an object.
for...of loop: It iterates a specified variable over all the property values of iterable objects( Array, Map, Set, etc).
36. When to use for and while loops?
For Loop is used when we know the number of times the loop should run.
While loop is used when we want the loop to break based on a condition other than the number of times it runs.
37. What is Recursion?
Recursion is the process of calling a function itself. The function calls itself until a condition is met.
The condition that stops a recursive function from calling itself is known as the base case.
38. How to create a variable similar to a tuple in JavaScript?
JavaScript doesn't have tuples.
But we can pretend that JavaScript has tuples in many ways.
One of the ways is by array destructuring and making a function to return multiple values.
39. What is the difference between Put & Patch?
PATCH is used for updating partial data and PUT is used for updating all the data.
If we only need to update one field for the resource, we use the PATCH method
40. What is the DOM owner document property?
The top-level object is the document object in which all child nodes are created.
If this property is used on the top-level document object itself, it returns null.
41. What are the Sequences in JavaScript and Python?
A sequence is a positionally ordered collection of items. Elements in sequences come out in the same order as it is inserted.
Sequences in Python: lists, byte arrays, strings, tuples, range, and bytes
Sequences in JavaScript: arrays, strings