How to make a Time Converter using HTML CSS JavaScript Project

 Time Converter

In this assignment, let's build a Time Converter by applying the concepts of HTML CSS and Js.

Refer to the below image.


  • The HTML input element for entering the number of hours should have the id hoursInput
  • The HTML input element for entering the number of minutes should have the id minutesInput
  • Add HTML label elements for HTML input elements with ids hoursInput and minutesInput
  • The HTML button element should have the id convertBtn
  • The HTML p element to display the converted time in seconds should have the id timeInSeconds
  • The HTML p element to display the error message should have the id errorMsg

By following the above instructions, achieve the given functionality.

  • When values are provided in HTML input elements with ids hoursInput and minutesInput, the HTML button with id convertBtn is clicked
    • The converted time in seconds should be displayed in the HTML p element with id timeInSeconds
    • The HTML p element with id errorMsg should be empty
  • The HTML p element with id errorMsg should display an error message in the following cases
    • When the HTML input element with id hoursInput is empty and convertBtn is clicked
    • When the HTML input element with id minutesInput is empty and convertBtn is clicked
    • When both the HTML input elements hoursInput and minutesInput are empty and convertBtn is clicked


Use this Background image:

CSS Colors used:

Text colors Hex code values used:

CSS Font families used:

  • Open Sans

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