Introduction to CSS Flexbox

 1. Layout

A Layout is a pattern to structure the information and arrange the elements on the website.

1.1 Methods to Design a Layout

Mainly, there are two methods that help design the webpage layout.

  • Flexbox (stable)
  • CSS Grid (Advanced & Fast growing but not stable)

1.1.1 Flexbox

Flexbox is a layout method that helps to arrange the HTML elements in rows (horizontally) or columns (vertically).

2. Flexbox Layout with CSS Properties

To achieve flexbox layout CSS provides many properties, these are a few among them.

  • display
  • flex-direction
  • justify-content
  • align-items
  • flex-wrap
  • flex-flow
  • align-content
  • align-self
  • flex-grow
  • flex-basis
  • flex-shrink
  • order and many more...

2.1 Display

To achieve different Layouts, we can use CSS property


Display property can have the following values:

  • flex
  • inline-flex
  • grid
  • none
     and many more...

Providing display property with the value

converts the element into a Flex Container. All HTML elements that are direct children of Flex Container are called Flex Items.

In the example above, irrespective of inline or block elements, the Flex Container handles the display of Flex Items.

2.2 Flex Direction

The Flex Direction specifies the direction of the flex items in the Flexbox Container.

When working with Flexbox layout, we need to think in terms of two axes.

  • Main Axis- It is specified by the 
  • Cross Axis- It runs perpendicular to the main axis.

Flex Direction property can have the following values:

  • row
    - Direction of the flex items is horizontal.
  • column
    - Direction of the flex items is vertical.

In the example above, try out

property with different values.

2.3 Justify Content


property specifies the alignment of flex items along the main axis.

Justify Content property can have the following values:

  • flex-start
    (default) - All the elements will arrange to the start of the container.
  • center
    - All the elements will arrange to the center of the container.
  • flex-end
    - All the elements will arange to the end of the container.
  • space-between
    - Left over space will be arranged in between the flex items.
  • space-around
    - Every flex item will get space around them.

In the example above, try out

properties with different values.

2.4 Align Items


property specifies the alignment of flex items along the cross axis.

Align Items property can have the following values:

  • stretch
    (default)- Will stretch its available height.
  • flex-start
    - Will be at the starting of the flex container.
  • center
    - Will be at the center of the avilable height.
  • flex-end
    - Will be at the ending point of the available height.
In the example above, try out
properties with different values.


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