More Modern JS Coding Practice

Creating a Copy of an Array

Function Calling with Spread Operator

Concatenate Arrays with Spread Operator

Concatenate Objects with Spread Operator

Rest Parameter

 OTP Message Using Javascript String Formatting like Python String Formating

Destructing Arrays and After that getting the sum of Destruct Array 

Destructure Object Using Dot or []

Alternative of if Else for simple Problems 

Switch Operator instead of using if  else if 

Arrow Function in JavaScript

Return Object using Arrow Function


Return a JS Factory Function to Return Object

JS constructor function to return the user object.

Person Object using Factory Function

This is how we can Update Person Details using Factory Function

Person Object Using Constructor Factory Function

This is How we can change Brand name using Constructor Factory Function

This is How we get Ratio using JS constructor Function

Find Year 

Reschedule Date Change Time

Set Expiry Date As per Mfg Date

Match Column 1 with Column 2.

Column 1 (Function Types)Column 2 (Example)
1) Function declarationA) const isEven = function(num) { return num % 2 === 0; }
2) Function expressionB) const isEven = (num) => { return num % 2 === 0; }
3) Generator functionC) function isEven(num) { return num % 2 === 0; }
4) Arrow functionD) function* isEven(num){ return num % 2 === 0; }

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