Success Failure and Loading View Of Nxt Watch


1. Integrating APIs

1.1 Get Exclusive Prime Deals

  • Exclusive Prime deals are for Prime Users.
  • All Products are for both Prime and Non-Prime users.

2. API Call Possible Views

2.1 Success View

When the

Prime User
is logged in and accessed
Prime Deals
Section then we should show the
Exclusive Prime Deals

2.2 Failure View

When the

Non-prime User
is logged in and accessed
Prime Deals
Section then we should show the
Get Exclusive Deals

Reasons for API Call Failure :

  • Sending UnAuthorized User credentials
  • Not specifying Authorization header
  • Using the wrong HTTP method

2.3 Loading View

When the

Non-prime User
is logged in and accessed
Prime Deals
Section, we should show the
Loading view
until data is in progress.

3. E-Commerce Application

4. Best Practices

4.1 State Variable-isLoading

isLoading is used to handle Success View, Loading View only.

render() {
const {isLoading} = this.state
return <>
{ isLoading ? this.renderLoader() : this.renderProductsList() }

4.2 State Variable-apiStatus

apiStatus is used to handle Success, Failure and Loading Views.

switch (apiStatus) {
case apiStatusConstants.success:
return this.renderPrimeDealsList()
return null

4.3 Adding Initial State

Instead of adding empty strings in initial state we can add initial in apiStatusConstants.

File: src/components/PrimeDealsSection/index.js

const apiStatusConstants = {
initial: "INITIAL",
inProgress: "IN_PROGRESS",
success: "SUCCESS",
failure: "FAILURE",
class PrimeDealsSection extends Component {
state = {
primeDeals: [],
apiStatus: apiStatusConstants.initial,
renderPrimeDeals = () => {
const { apiStatus } = this.state;
switch (apiStatus) {
case apiStatusConstants.success:
return this.renderPrimeDealsSuccessView();
case apiStatusConstants.failure:
return this.renderPrimeDealsFailureView();
case apiStatusConstants.inProgress:
return this.renderLoader();
return null;
render() {
return <>{this.renderPrimeDeals()}</>
export default PrimeDealsSection

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