1. Prop Drilling
Props are passed from one Component to another Component that does not need the data but only helps in passing it through the tree is called Prop Drilling.
2. React Context
Context is a mechanism that provides different Components and allows us to pass data without doing prop drilling.
2.1 Creating Context
It returns an object with different properties to update and access values from the context.
2.2 Context Properties
The Context object provides two properties.
- Consumer
2.3 How to Access the Value?
We can access the value in the Context using
Consumer Component
provided by the Context Object.3. Consumer Component
- We access the Consumer componentusing dot notation from thecontext object.
- We will give a callback functionas children forConsumer Component.
3.1 Understanding Syntax
The callback function receives the current context value as an argument and returns a component or a JSX element.
Make an seprate Folder for Context
Because we require Language in all the Components so instead of sending every time in props we will make a seprate Context Folder and Make file for realated to context
like ./src/context/LanguageContext.js
refer below code and how to use this Context in our Component refer components-NewWaysToConnect.js file